So my profile story was the hardest story for me this semester. I had a ridiculously hard time getting to either of my subjects and when I finally was able to talk to my guy it was a bit late. I'm not sure how I would specifically deal with this scenario if it was for a publication. I know there's always the option of just coming up with a story with the very little you have, but that's just an embarrassing story to have and I wouldn't even want to put my byline under that. I'm disappointed because both the subjects I had picked were really interesting but so difficult to get a hold of. I really like my profile subject, he's a really funny, nice guy. Even though the assignment is over I plan to continue to get a story from the both of them and maybe I can publish it somewhere.
I am really interested in covering the trial for the crime story. I think it's an important trial and seeing as to how I have never done it, I think it would be a great experience. Hopefully this story turns out better than the total bust with my profile.
I think it's awesome how you aren't giving up on your subjects, but if something seems like a lost cause just move on to something else, since journalism is all about the deadlines (redundant I know).