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Monday, April 25, 2011

Chauncey Bailey: Video editing

I went to the Chauncey Bailey trial on Tuesday... Boring. Most what was talked about seemed relevant and important but it wasn't exciting. The day began with finishing testimony of Joshua Bey, an associate of the Your Black Muslim Bakery and half brother of Yusef Bey IV. The judge presidig was Thomas Reardon. Reardon was strict on the rules especially no electronic devices. Also, his baliffs seemed either bored or doing their jobs extremely well as they glared at anyone that made any movements or noise. 

There were only a few people there. Two of the people there were journalist the other was a law student. The law student asked ME of all people to help him catch up and better understand the trial. I was actually surprised myself with how much I knew about it.

Also I  briefly met the prosecutor Melissa Krum. She seemed very pleased that students were taking interest in the case. 

On the other hand, Gary Sirbu, Antoine Mackey's attorney seemed disappointed after the trial because so much of the video was left in. He said, "the judge gets to decide what goes into the box and what doesn't."

Reardon said he woukd order the jury to consider the video only as to how Bey IV controlled
Mackey and others to do his bidding. The jury would be ordered not to think of Mackey as a "bad person" based on the video.

By the end of the day we had seen two witnesses testify for the prosecution and omissions to the "secret video".

Reardon allowed most of the video to be shown to jurors only some to be ommited. One of the parts ommited was a conversation about cheese and food.  

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